High blood pressure is not a hindrance to training. Physical exercises are useful for the state of the cardiovascular system and serve as an excellent prevention of the development of hypertension. So, according to doctors, regular classes three times a week (40-45 minutes each) help hypertensive patients reduce pressure by an average of 14.2 mm Hg. Art. But provided that the exercises are chosen correctly.
What fitness rules are important to follow with hypertension
1. Watch your heart rate
The best choice of active movements for high blood pressure is walking, dancing, cycling. However, training should be of such intensity that the pulse does not exceed 60-75% of the maximum allowable. You can calculate the norm for yourself using the formula “220 minus age.”
The relationship between increased heart rate and increased blood pressure has been established. In order not to exceed the maximum allowable heart rate, it is recommended not to make sudden accelerations and slowdowns during training. Movement when walking or cycling should be measured and smooth. Simply put, interval training, crossfit are contraindicated.
Don’t eat sugar or sugary foods before your workout. Any sweet food raises blood pressure. And that can escalate.
2. What exercises are contraindicated
You can not include in training such types of exercises as jumping, sharp bends and straightening, movements with a quick change of postures (for example, burpees).
3. Eliminate static postures
The plank, popular for weight loss and pumping the press, is not suitable for hypertensive patients. The fact is that a long stay of the body in one position causes vasospasm and can lead to a sharp jump in blood pressure.
Don’t drink a lot of water during your workout. That is, not in one gulp and not in large numbers. Even one glass of water can be drunk with short breaks.
4. The head should not be lower than the body
This includes all kinds of inclinations, perhaps with the exception of those when you sit on the floor and slowly reach for your feet. Those hypertensive patients who are fond of yoga should avoid inverted poses like the “plough”. The popular “birch” is also contraindicated.
5. Be careful with weights
When working out muscles with weight exercises, it is important to ensure that the load in the simulators or the weight of the dumbbells is minimal. Or so that you can easily do 15-20 repetitions, and each subsequent exercise does not go through force. It must be remembered that when straining, the pressure rises rapidly.
Light cardio can lower blood pressure. Therefore, after the end of the strength part of the training, you can go for a little jog or even swim. The latter, by the way, is more preferable. Remember, you are doing this for health, not for setting new records.
6. Watch your breath
Breath control is an important point in any exercise with hypertension. You can not hold it on the exhale, it immediately increases the pressure. In any case, before exercising, a hypertensive patient should check with the attending physician – what loads are exactly contraindicated. Perhaps, at the suggestion of a doctor, you will take drugs that help normalize blood pressure, and then train without fear for your health.
Pressure Reduction Exercises
There are sets of exercises and breathing exercises designed specifically for those who suffer from hypertension.
Diaphragmatic breathing
The person should put one hand on the chest, the other on the stomach. Take a deep breath in through your nose, feeling your diaphragm expand as you inhale. Hold your breath for a few seconds, exhale through your mouth. You need to do this exercise for 10 minutes.
Stretching is another effective way to lower blood pressure. This exercise acts on the cardiovascular system better than walking. The corresponding conclusion was made by Canadian scientists, their study was published by the scientific journal Journal of Physical Activity and Health.
Stretching is also convenient to do at home: it does not require much time, it does not need to be adjusted to the weather, and it can also be practiced while watching a movie.
“When you stretch the muscles, you also stretch all the blood vessels that feed the muscles, including the major arteries. If you reduce the stiffness of the arteries, the resistance to blood flow will decrease, which means that blood pressure will not rise, ”the experts explained.